Adds Company & VAT numbers (IČO & DIČ & IČ DPH) to WooCommerce billing fields and verifies if data are correct. Verification is based either on ARES and VIES database or only on mathematics. When billing to Czech republic, you can autofill fields Company, VAT number, Address, City, and Postcode based on IČO.
Supports both PHP 7.3+ (soon to be abandoned) & PHP 8.0+.
Main functionality
- for CZ as billing country
- ARES and VIES verification (or mathematically verifies IČO and DIČ)
- ARES autofill (fields Company, VAT number, Address, City, and Postcode) based on IČO
- for SK as billing country
- VIES DIČ validation (or just validate the format of values)
- for EU countries as billing country
- VIES DIČ validation
- VAT extempt feature
- adds fields to IČO & DIČ & IČ DPH WooCommerce frontend: Checkout and My Account page
- allows edits from administration (backend):
Users -> Joe Doe (Edit) -> Billing address of the customer
E-shop-WooCommerce -> Orders-> Order (show(edit)) -> Billing Information (edit)
- Enable toggle switch to show/hide input fields (“Buying as a company?”)
- Move Country field above the “Buying as a company?” toggle
- Option to allow on order if if ARES or VIES check fails for technical reasons – an alert will be shown in the admin mail and order details
- Kybernaut Mailstep by Karolína Vyskočilová
- WooCommerce SuperFaktura by & Webikon
- WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce by WP Overnight
- WooCommerce PDF Invoices and Packing Slips for WooCommerce PRO by Acowebs
- WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers by SkyVerge
- Woo Checkout Field Editor Pro by ThemeHigh
- Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce – Lite by Fluid Checkout – only partial support
- Woo iDoklad, Woo Doprava, Woo GoPay etc. by Toret (affiliate link)
- SoapClient PHP library for VIES validation (ask your hosting)
- 10up and their Plugin Deploy and Plugin Readme/Assets Update Github Actions
- ibericode/vat
If you want to help, join the Github.
Do you need customisation?
Modifications that will enhance the plugin development and help other users I offer for “adoption”. You pay half the development cost and I’ll deliver the other half for free.
If the modifications are only of limited use, are only for your usage, or do not match my idea of the plugin’s direction, they are charged at full price.
Active installs: 3 000 +
Rating: 5
Last version: 1.9.1
Last updated: 14. 11. 2024
Min. PHP version: 7.3